At times, throwing together an entire email marketing campaign can seem daunting. How does one even know where to begin? Well, the best place to start is by learning. Once you know the simple 5-step process for fail-proof permission-based email marketing you have the road map that you need to simplify the email marketing process and execute successful campaigns.

Step 1:
Begin by using permission-based email software (such as iContact) that allows you to easily create newsletters, automatically manage subscribes, unsubscribes, and bounces, and view reporting statistics like opens and click-throughs.
Step 2:
Decide on the type and frequency of the email communications you will be sending. We recommend sending at least one newsletter per month. You can send multiple newsletters if you sell different types of products. You can also send promotional messages offering a discount or a coupon for a product or service.
Step 3:
Add a sign-up form to your website so you can start collecting subscribers and import any existing lists of subscribers that have already requested your communications. It is generally also safe to import the names of anyone who has done business with you in the past year, provided you will be sending content relevant to what they purchased.
Step 4:
Choose a good email template by using the templates provided within the email software, having your in-house team create one, or by using the custom design services of your email software company. iContact provides over 300 design templates within our software that can be used free of charge, and we can also develop custom templates for a nominal charge.
Step 5:
Develop relevant and high-quality content for your newsletter or message, and send it out to your list. Continue sending your newsletters, announcements, or promotions with consistent frequency. As your list grows, you will notice increased traffic (and if applicable, increased sales) on the day of and the days following an email send.

So if you are ready to start benefiting from email marketing without having to worry about where to begin or how to progress, then sign up for a free trial of the iContact email marketing software today.

If you have any questions or need help, please contact our Support Team or call us at (877) 968-3996.
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