(323) 863-3603 admin@ourmilkmoney.org
Wanna Get Away?

Wanna Get Away?

As I write this, I am sitting poolside in Vegas with a Tequila and Tonic in my hand talking to five of my closest buddies about what to do with the money I just won from a bet on an NBA game. Okay that last sentence is not entirely true. I’m writing this 2 weeks after that scenario.

To be honest sometimes writing these blogs is work and the last thing I want to do when I’m on vacation is anything that resembles work. And two weeks ago I took a much needed vacation. I won’t go into the details of the trip (what happens in Vegas blah blah blah), and if I did it would probably bore you anyway. Let’s just say I’m getting very old.

The point and this month’s Daddy’s Den lesson is how important it is to take a break. Whether it’s an evening with the guys, a movie by yourself, or a longer vacation even just overnight, recharging your battery is essential to a healthy family life. Believe me, your wife and kids will thank you for it. Not only do you come home happy, rested, and ready to take over the domestic chores and parental duties for awhile, but you’re also so grateful to your wife for letting you go that you’re taking care of the kids and “honey do” list two weeks before you even leave.

And ladies, don’t think I’m forgetting about you. You need a break as much as the Dads. More so if you’re a stay at home mom. But I’ve found that men and women are wired differently in that regard. Whenever my wife has girl’s night out or a weekend without the kids, she always ends up coming home early because she misses us. On Mother’s Day y’know what she likes to do? Spend it with her family! What’s up with that? I don’t know whether to hug her or get mad at her for making me feel guilty for wanting to get away once in a while. I mean am I a bad father for wanting to do everything on Father’s Day BUT be a father? I’m outta there! I have learned one thing though. Getting away is important. But since becoming a husband and father, I’m no longer sad when it’s time to come home.

How to Achieve More in Your Home Office by Managing Your Time

How to Achieve More in Your Home Office by Managing Your Time

When running a home office, it’s important to manage your time effectively. There simply isn’t enough time in the day to do all that we want to do, and if you have to share your time with family priorities, you want to maximize every minute. How we manage our time has a profound effect on what we are able to accomplish, and bad time management produces stress.
So where do you start? The best place to start is with determining your goals. What do you want to accomplish today, this week, this month? What are your priorities? What can you push down lower on the list and what needs to be pushed up?

Next, organize your goals from what’s most important to you to what’s least important. A great model for prioritizing your work comes from Stephen Covey’s 4-Quadrant to-do list [1]. He suggests prioritizing your activities into the following segments: 1 – Things that are Important and Due Soon, 2 – Things that are Important but Not Due Soon, 3 – Those items that are Not Important, but Due Soon, and finally, 4 – Items that are Not Important and Not Due Soon.

Categorize your tasks into these segments and work through your priorities in order of importance. This will help ensure you’re concentrating on what’s most important first, and it will help you to better manage your time.

Time management and organization go hand in hand. To work more efficiently, an organized desk space is the key. Paperwork can easily get misplaced if you don’t have a good filing system. You can also lose valuable time in searching for documents if they are not readily available and easily identifiable. Here are some suggested ways to organize your paper files:
Pending/Tickler File – This filing system allows you to organize your paper files by the day you plan to work on an item. You start with 12 hanging file folders labeled for each month of the year (January – December). You then make a set of 31 manila file folders labeled 1 through 31 for each day of the month. Place your working documents in the day’s folder that you plan to work on it. This will help you in both managing your time and staying organized.

Pocket Folders – Office supply stores have a wide variety of filing folders. One useful type is the single pocket folder pouches. These paper or plastic pouches expand and can stand upright when filled. One way to use these folders in organizing your work is to label one for each of the Stephen Covey 4-Quadrant to do list segments (1 – Important and Due Soon, 2 – Important but Not Due Soon, 3 – Not Important, but Due Soon, and 4 – Not Important and Not Due Soon). You can now arrange your documents by importance, ensuring you’re working on the higher priority items first.
For your electronic files, there are many options for organization. You can set up file folders on your computer hard drive, labeled to clearly identify the contents. You can sync your calendar with a PDA or a phone/PDA combo to keep your files close at hand.

Whichever method you use, just remember to stick to it. Every activity you choose to do has a cost associated with it. Once you spend 10, 15 or 45 minutes on an unimportant or frivolous activity, you can never recover that time. Learn to set your goals, prioritize your goals, and then organize your day to align with your priorities. By doing this, you will be able to better manage your time and achieve more in your home office.

[1] Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic Simon & Schuster; 1st edition (August 15, 1989)

Roz K Walker is a wife, mother of two, and true entrepreneur at heart.  She was the original Director of Social Media and Networking for Our Milk Money, instructor on LiveMind, and owner of RozKWalker.com. Her passion, purpose and goal are to help moms and mompreneurs discover their strengths, develop through personal growth and inspiration, and display their strengths through beauty, fashion, and their chosen at-home career.

Review: ADH Enterprise

Review: ADH Enterprise

Recently, I had the opportunity to work with Angie Hills who founded and owns ADH Enterprise.  I wanted to transition from the free wordpress over to the custom wordpress and have a custom template designed along with the blog being hosted by my hosting provider instead of on wordpress.
Angie was amazing to work with!  She replied quickly and really listened to what I wanted in a template to include all the functionality I wanted and needed in my blog.  The turnaround time on the blog design was very fast!  She designed and installed the template with ease.  She has been available when I need her to answer any questions I might have regarding the blog. 
I also took a look at her website.  It is very informative and easy to navigate.  It is very easy to find whatever type of information someone might be looking for.  Her prices are wonderful and definitely affordable even for a work at home mom on a budget which I think will bring you a wide variety of clients. :))
The testimonials page is super…people can see work she’s done and the wonderful feedback she’s gotton…it inspires confidence in anyone looking for someone to do web design/wordpress work for them. :))
It’s also nice that her customers can order not only web servcies from her, but newseltters, business cards, and promotional products too…all with a seamless look for their business.  It will give them a very professional look at a very affordable price and will help them present a very professional image.
I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for web/wordpress/newsletter/business card designers.  As I previously mentioned, she is wonderful to work with, the turnaround time is super and she stays in touch with updates so clients always know what is going on and where the design process is.
Visit her site today to see what she can do for you!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

How do you really make money with a blog?

How do you really make money with a blog?

Have you ever wondered how other bloggers are making so much money?  What is their secret?  How can you make money with your blog?
Here are three ways you can make money with your blog.

  1. Affiliate commissions.  Many bloggers use their blogs to promote the products and services of others.  They are affiliate marketers.  You can create quite a successful business by choosing a blog topic that interests you.  The more specific the topic, the better.  For example, if you love reading mystery novels, you can create a blog that reveiws mystery novels.  Each review could include an affiliate link so your readers can buy the book.  You might also include ads in your sidebar that advertise ‘how to write mystery novels’, and writing programs.  The foundation of a successful affiliate business is content and there is not better content tool than a blog.
  2. Advertising Revenue.  Many profitable blogs earn all of their income from advertising revenue.  There are two ways you can earn money from advertising.  You can participate in programs like Google’s AdSense.  You simply sign up and paste the code on your blog.  Google inserts the ads.  You can choose the ad category so they match your visitor’s interests.  Each time someone clicks on an ad, you earn money.  You can also sell space on your blog.  The more readers and subscribers you have, the more you can charge for ad space on your site.  In the meantime, consider placing affiliate banner ads in the sidebar.  This will get your readers accustomed to ads on your blog.  It might earn you some additional income in the meantime.  It may also help your readers visualize their ads on your site.  You should also place an ‘advertise with us’ or ‘your ad here’ link somewhere on your blog so anyone who wants to advertise on your blog can contact you easily.
  3. Your own products or services.  You can use your blog to sell your own products or services.  If we continue with the mystery novel example, you might decide to write a ‘how to write a mystery novel’ downloadable course.  You can use your blog to promote your product and earn a nice profit.  You could also offer manuscript critique services.  You could help aspiring mystery writers get published while earning an income.  Again, you can use your blog to promote your services

There are a number of ways to use your blog to profit.  Decide which monetization model best fits your needs and profit goals.  Create a plan to make it happen.  Always remember that the secret behind any profitable blog is the content.  Always focus on creating the best content possible!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Growing your Blog – Tips and Strategies

Growing your Blog – Tips and Strategies

Once you have established your blog and you are meeting your initial goals, it’s time to look toward the future.  How do you want to grow your blog?  What are the possibilities for doing so?  You can add monetization methods.  You can offer more value.  Of course, you can also grow your subscriber base.
Here are five tips and strategies to help you grow your blog.

  1. Get involved.  Hopefully, in addition to posting on your own blog, you have been participating on other blogs in an effort to promote your own blog.  If you haven’t, then you should definitely integrate this tactic into your blog marketing strategy.  If you are already commenting on other blogs relevant to your industry then look for ways to become even more active.  You can become a guest blogger.  You could be adding a few more relevant comments to other blogs each day.  By getting involved in your own community, you are more likely increase the traffic to your own blog.
  2. Offer new value.  Is there a way you can add more value to your blog – over and above what you already offer?  For example, you might consider offering a free report, ebook or online course.  You might find a few guest bloggers to help you round out the content on your blog and help provide more information for your readers.  You can also mix it up and offer different types of posts like videos, downloadable checklists and worksheets. 
  3. Hold a contest.  Contests are a great way to help drive traffic to your blog.  Make sure, though, that the giveaway you offer is related to the topic of your blog.  For example, if you blog about sugar gliders, give away a gift certificate to a pet supply store.  When holding a contest be sure to spread the word.  Tweet about it.  Post it on Facebook.  Ask others to help spread the word too.  You might offer them extra entries for every person they refer that enters the contest.  You’ll recieve more traffic because a lot of people will want to enter your contest.  You’ll also gain new subscribers.
  4. Network.  The right connections can help change the success of your blog rapidly.  Can you imagine if a prominent person mentioned your blog on their blog or show?  For example, imagine what would happen if you have a blog about crafting and Martha Stewart mentioned it on her show.  Networking can make a huge difference for your blog so get out there and meet people.  Offer value and connect.
  5. Add a method to monetize your blog.  If you have already done so, super!  What else can you do to make money on your blog?  You can place a few affiliate ads in the sidebar or footer.  You could join Google’s AdSense program.   A little extra income can make a big difference.

There are a number of ways you can grow your blog.  Before you implement any tactic, make sure you evaluate it.  Make sure it supports your blog and enhances the experience for your visitors.  Make sure it supports the goals and vision for your blog.  Create goals for your new tactic!  What do you want to accomplish?
To your success!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Blog Content – what it is and how to create it.

Blog Content – what it is and how to create it.

The foundation of any blog is, of course, content.  You can create any type of content that fits your needs and the needs of your audience.  You can create video, print or audio content.
When it comes to print content there are many options including:

  • how to posts
  • reviews
  • lists
  • tips
  • pros and cons
  • fact pages

You can also create checklists, blueprints, worksheets and may other useful items.
Audio and Video Content
If writing doesn’t fit the purpose of your blog consider creating audio or video content.  Interviews are great in both audio and video format.  You can also create how to video posts.  If you are comfortable in front of a camera, video is actually a great way to create quick and relevant content.  Make sure you have good lighting and sound when you record your video.
How do you come up with content ideas?
Creating posts that are consistently valuable and interesting can be a challenge.  In fact, many consider it to be the biggest challenge of owning a blog.  Here are several creative ways to find inspiration to create content.

  1. Read.  Read magazines, blogs and industry newsletters.  Sometimes, just a headline can inspire a few ideas.
  2. Social networking.  Participating in social networking is a great way to promote your blog.  Also pay attention to what others are saying.  What information are they looking for?  What problems do they have that you can discuss or even solve on your blog?  Great topics abound on social networking sites…all you have to do is visit them and pay attention to the conversations. 
  3. FAQs.  What questions do people commonly ask you?  These can make for some great blog posts.
  4. If you don’t know, then ask.  Ask your readers what they want you to write about.

Organizing your content.
There are many approaches to organizing the content on your blog.  You can wing it if you want to.  You could plan ahead.  Planning ahead can save you a lot of headaches.  Consider sitting down monthly and planning out the content for the next month.  Think of it as a brainstorming session.  A good idea is to always carry a notebook with you.  Ideas can come to you at any time and you need a place to write them down so you don’t forget them.  If you can capture ideas as they come to you, it will save you time and energy later.
Content is the most important part of your blog.  You should spend some time deciding what kind of content you want to create.  Develop a system that works for you to plan your content in advance.  This will make it easier for you to sit down and write several blog posts at one time.  You can schedule them to post and then spend your time on other tasks. 
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Choosing Your Blogging Niche

Choosing Your Blogging Niche

You can, of course, blog about anything.  However, when you choose a niche, your chances of becoming successful – and reaching your blogging goals – increase.  Choosing a niche topic helps you find a loyal audience.  It also helps you compete against other comparable blogs and profit.  Here are some tips to help you choose your niche.
#1  What do you enjoy?
A blog is a long term investment of your time, money and energy.  Therefore, you will want to choose a topic you very much enjoy.  Make a list of the topics you enjoy discussing.  Rank them in order of your most to least favorite.  You might have a few items on your list or a great many.  You can start with generalities like exotic pets, gardening, baking, etc. 
The next and very important step is to narrow down your topic.  For example, sugar gliders instead of exotic pets, organic gardening instead of gardening and gluten free baking instead of baking. 
#2  What are you interested in?
Add to your list a list of topics you are interested in.  For example, maybe you’d like to learn more about politics or investing.  Wonderful!  Again, list general ideas then narrow them down into specific ones.  For example, a guide for beginners on how to invest in precious metals or the stock market. 
#3 Explore trends.
Trends are a good way to tap into a growing market.  When you are analyzing trends, make sure you capture something that is on the upswing, not on a downswing.   You want the topic of your blog to have longevity.
Use social networking sites, media, and on trend websites to get started.  You may also research industries you are interested in and look for their trends.  For example, if you are interested in gardening, an up and coming trend is hydroponic gardening.  You can even further narrow this topic down to indoor systems for small spaces.
#4 Keyword tools.
Use keyword research tools like Google Adwords External tool to help you expand on your growing list of niche ideas.  The keyword tool can help you brainstorm ideas.  They can also help you take a broad topic and narrow it down into niche ideas.  Look for keywords and keyword phrases that have high demand numbers and low competition numbers.
#5 Research the competition.
Again, using the keywords tools or simply by searching online, you can find blogs that are currently covering the topics you are interested in.  You might use these blogs to generate niche ideas for your own blog.  Other blogs can be a great source of inspiration.
Once you have a healthy list of ideas, start narrowing them down.  Consider who your audience will be for that topic.  Research demand.  Brainstorm ways you might differentiate your blog from others.  Finally, consider the type of content you will offer.  As you mull over these ideas, a few will stand out.  That is when the serious research or soul searching can begin.  Finding a niche is the best way to blogging success.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Blogging – Why Niches Matter

Blogging – Why Niches Matter

As has been mentioned before on this blog, it’s important that you choose a niche for your blog.  What is a niche?  It’s a specialized or highly focused topic.  The example from a previous blog post had to do with exotic pets…instead of a blog on exotic pets, one could have a blog on sugar gliders…that is a niche blog.  There are several reasons why niche blogs are successful.
#1  Loyal Readers
If you choose a niche it will be easier for you to find loyal readers.  When people do an online search, they are often searching for very specific information.  If you provide that specific information you could be on the top of their list.  It is highly likely that they will subscribe to your blog which gives you regular access into their homes and lives.  This loyalty provides you with an abundance of opportunity to profit.
#2  More Profits
Niches are more profitable.  As a blogger, it is easier in a niche for you to establish some of the key triggers that get people to buy.  The most notable triggers are credibility and authority.  When you blog about a specific niche, you are establishing yourself as a subject matter expert.  You will earn the trust of your readers which means they will be more likely to buy from you or trust your recommendations.  This results in profits.
With a niche blog, you will be able to draw very focused traffic.  This means you will have a special appeal for targeted advertisers.  Back to the sugar glider example…sugar glider advertisers will know that your audience is their target audience and they will pay you so they can advertise on your blog.
#3  More Traffic
It is much easier to compete in the search engines when you have a niche topic.  For example entering exotic pets in Bing yields 24,400,000 results!  Entering sugar glider yields one tenth of that number…a much smaller field of results!  If there is a big demand for your niche topic, you will have much fewer competitors.  This means that whenver someone searches for your niche topic, they are more likely to find you easier.  The result is more traffic!
Choosing a niche topic also makes it much easier for you to provide value to your readers.  More value means more repeat visitors.  It also means more inbound links as people will want to share your blog and the information it offers with others.  This in turn helps to increase traffic to your blog and raise awareness about your blog.  In short, a niche blog makes it easier to market and grow your blog
Choosing a niche topic means you’ll be able to reach your audience faster.  You’ll be able to keep them coming back to your blog and will grow your subscribers more quickly.  Ultimately this can lead to more profits from your blog.
Before you choose a niche, be sure there are good numbers behind it…this means be sure there is a good demand and low supply for your niche topic.
When the numbers support it, niche blogs prosper.  Choose your niche today and start profiting from your blog!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Ten Common Blogging Mistakes

Ten Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging is fun and also pretty easy.  It can be equally easy to make mistakes.  No worries, though.  Here is a list of common blogging mistakes so you can easily avoid them.

  1. Not being original.  Many bloggers are hesitant to be themselves online.  However, your personality is what will attract readers and attention.  Don’t hesitate to be yourself…whether it’s funky, serious, controversial, etc.
  2. Not giving credit where credit is due.  If you borrow ideas from another blogger, writer or anyone else, make sure you give them the credit.  It will not weaken your own credibility.  On the contrary…your credibility will be enhanced.  If you do not give the proper credit, you can also get in trouble legally.
  3. Not responding to comments.  If you set up your blog so your readers can leave comments, you should be social and respond to them.  It helps to create a sense of community on your blog and your readers get to interact with you.  Not only is it the right and friendly thing to do, it motivates more comments.
  4. Giving up too early.  Blogs do not achieve success overnight.  By blogging about a subject you are passionate about, you will stay motivated to write and post and stick with it.  Blogs require a commitment if they are to be successful.  With consistent care and attention to your blog, your readers will grow.
  5. Not posting enough.  Many bloggers think you have to post daily.  In the very early stages of building your blog this is a good idea.  Once you have established a consistent readership, you can post less often.  At least weekly, or two to three times per week, is a good idea.  If you do not post for a week or two, you are very likely to lose readers.
  6. Not having a well defined topic.  Make sure your topic is obvious.  The more specific your niche, the easier it will be to attract a following.  For example, instead of blogging about exotic pets, narrow it to blogging about sugar gliders.
  7. Not choosing a topic you can sustain.  By choosing a topic you are passionate about, you can write consistently and maintain your motivation.  If you choose a topic that you are not very interested in, you will be fortunate if you can come up with a post per month. 
  8. Having too many ads.  Make sure your blog is content heavy.  If your blog is more focused on ads than content, you will not be able to attract a loyal following.
  9. Forgetting value.  Make sure your posts offer something of value to your readers.  Readers are looking to be entertained, gain information or be educated.  Your posts should accomplish that.  If they do, you will attract readers.
  10. Not promoting your blog.  You must promote your blog!  How else are readers going to find you?  Comment on other blogs and leave the url to your blog when you do.  Participate in social networking.  Become a guest blogger.  When you write as a guest blogger, be sure to include your bio along with links to your blog, facebook page and twitter.

Blogging is fun, a great way to connect with people online, a great way to grow a business and even a way to earn money.  Avoid these ten common blogging mistakes and you can achieve blogging success quicker and easier!
To your success!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

The Benefits of Blogging

The Benefits of Blogging

Have you ever wondered WHY so many people blog?  It seems like there is a blog per person!  What’s the big deal?  Here are six benefits of blogging:

  • Blogging is easy.  One of the reasons so many people blog is because it’s really easy to get online.  With all of the tools available, you can have a really professional looking blog in just a few hours.  There are thousands of blog templates that are well designed and many can be modified with just a few clicks.  You can also add plug-ins to help create a blog that will do just about anything you’d like it to.
  • Blogging is inexpensive.  You can easily spend several hundred dollars on a website that is very basic.  A really professional looking blog can cost you less than twenty-five dollars and that includes the domain name and the hosting.
  • Blogging is profitalbe.  You can make good money with a blog.  Many people who began blogging about their passions for personal reasons soon found themselves in the limelight.  They also found themselves making some good money from their blogs.  For example, the movie Julie & Julia was about a real blogger who cooked her way through Julia Child’s cookbook.  The blog ‘*&^@ my Dad Says turned into a television program starring William Shatner.   Your blog may not get you in a movie, but you can still make good money from it.  You can promote products you love and earn affiliate income…you can promote your own products or services…you can earn money from advertising revenue.  Blogs with a lot of subscribers can demand high rates for ad space. 
  • Blogging connects.  Blogging is a way to connect to other like minded people.  You can get online and share your passions and by doing so attract and connect with people who are interested in the same topic.  Blogging is a great way to ‘meet’ people all over the world.  You can share, learn and grow.
  • Blogging can build your career.  You can use your blog to promote yourself.  For example, if you are a sales person you might create a blog about sales strategies.  You can then use your blog to establish yourself as a subject matter expert.  It can help you move up in the company, land your dream job or gain further exposure for your own business.
  • Blogging builds business.  Many businesses use blogging as a means to market, grow and profit.  If y
  • ou have thought about starting a business online, you could launch it with a blog.

Blogging is popular for many reasons.  It’s easy.  It’s inexpensive.  It can be profitable and it’s quite fun!  Start your own blog today!
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.