Product Promotion Ideas for Affiliate Marketers
If you want to be an affiliate marketer, promoting other people’s products for commission, then promoting products is essentially your job. Coming up with fun ways to promote each product can be a challenge but not if you enjoy your job. Affiliate Marketing is fun, there is barely any investment, and you can do it right from home. Here are just a few profitable promotion ideas for your affiliate products.
BOGO — The good old “buy one get one” offer works at Wal-Mart and it also works in Affiliate Marketing. You don’t have to give the same item twice, rather you can add on a product. For example, let’s say you’re promoting someone’s membership site platform. You can give those who buy via your affiliate link an added incentive such as free installation, free coaching or a free “how to” eBook or report. The buyer simply sends you their receipt, you match it up with your affiliate account, and then you give the buyer the incentive.
Quantity Discounts — In cases where you receive a substantial percentage of sales of expendable products you can offer quantity discounts. It works much the same as the BOGO idea in that the buyer will simply send you their receipt, you match it with your affiliate account, and then you send them back the discounted price. You can even give them a choice of cash, or a coupon (worth double the cash) toward other products that you offer of your own.
Money Back Guarantee — Offering an unconditional money back guarantee on products you promote may not be necessary in theory since the person who owns the product likely offers a money back guarantee, but it’s always good to point out that they can get their money back and be aware of the process to get their money back.
Charity Donations — This is a great way to not only promote a product but to give back to your community. Giving five to ten percent of profit or sales can boost your sales exponentially if you market the fact that you’re doing it. Choosing a non controversial charity can be helpful too as if you choose something too political in nature you might repel buyers instead of encourage buying.
Introductory Offers — Even though you’re promoting someone else’s products some programs allow you to give a special coupon code to those who buy from your referral link so that your buyers can get an extra percents off or as with membership sites or clubs, a lower intro offer compared to the regular price.
Contests — Having contests can make being an affiliate marketer more fun than it should be. Contests can create a lot of buzz and you can make a lot of sales. Imagine if every person who buys via your link is entered into a drawing to win an iPod or other item. Naturally, doing something like this will depend on the profit you’re making from the sales, but it can go far in encouraging more sales than you realize.
Members Only Specials — If you promote affiliate products that allow you to make them part of your membership site or club, offering some discounts only to members can entice buyers because buyers love the idea that they are excusive. Offering a lot to your members will increase membership sign ups, and also can increase affiliate sales since your members are getting exclusive discounts.
Webinars — If you have a great high end affiliate product to promote having a webinar is a great way to promote the product. Often, the owners of the product will agree to come to the webinar if you host it. You can allow people to come to the webinar free, or you can even charge a dollar to hold spots if space is limited.
Success stories — Providing access to success stories regarding the product that you are promoting will go far in creating a willingness to buy the product among your potential clients. If you do not have any success stories yet, consider buying and giving away the product free in exchange for honest reviews and case studies.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.
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