Strategies to Establish a Strong Online Brand to Attract Customers
Think about the people and companies you buy from. You buy from people and companies you like. You buy from people and companies that represent credibility and authority. You buy from people and companies who have created a strong image in your mind.
Your customers buy for the same reasons. They buy from companies that have a strong online brand. Here are five strategies to establish a strong online brand:
#1 Publish off site
Publishing is a wonderful way to establish a brand. Each piece of content you create represents who you are and what you stand for. Your personality carries through in your content. If you publish on other websites, you’re able to reach out and attract more customers. You’re able to develop a strong brand. Publish on:
* Blogs
* Article directories
* Other websites
* Newsletters
* Syndicate your content
And don’t forget offline publications too, including:
* Magazines
* Newspapers
* Journals
#2 Network
Networking, both online and off, helps establish you as a real person. It helps you connect with others in your industry and your community. The more people you connect with, the stronger your brand will grow.
And don’t forget social networking sites. Each interaction, post and comment is an invaluable opportunity to strengthen your brand. In fact, social networking is one of the most effective tools you can use to strengthen your brand.
#3 Be consistent
Consistency establishes a strong brand. If your personality changes from communication to communication, your prospects and customers can become confused. However, if you’re consistently thoughtful, funny, controversial, or serious then your brand will get stronger. This includes social networking interactions, email, articles and content, video and interviews.
It’s one of the most important reasons why you should be your authentic self when branding your business. If you brand your business to be controversial but that’s not your personality, it will be difficult to hold onto that brand image. A small business owner’s brand is most often their personality. It may be emphasized but it’s still uniquely you.
#4 Share
One of the best ways to strengthen your brand is to share. Share a photo or video of yourself instead of a logo or a graphic image. Share stories and experiences as they relate to your topic. Also share your knowledge. Host workshops and seminars. Host online classes. Share information that’s important to you as well. The more people get to know you and who you are, the stronger your brand will grow.
#5 Give stuff away – especially content
Finally, consider giving things away. Everyone likes to get something valuable for free. And you can brand your giveaways. Encourage people to share your freebies with others. For example, you could write an e-book and brand it to you and your business. Give it away for free and encourage others to share it and the information inside. Each person that reads your amazing information will gain a positive image of you and your brand.
There are many strategies to strengthen your online brand to attract customers. Remember that we buy from people we trust and we like. Embrace your unique personality as your brand and apply it to everything you do. You will attract customers naturally through your brand personality.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.
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