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Top Business Ideas for WAHMs on a Shoestring

Top Business Ideas for WAHMs on a Shoestring

Work at Home Moms (WAHMs) often begin their ventures with very little money to invest.  There are specific business ideas that can be started on a shoestring budget.  Here are some business ideas for moms who have few start up funds.
First, a Website…
Since you will probably be finding many of your clients online, you will need a website.  This is generally considered to be step one for any work at home venture.  It is a means by which you can promote yourself, and a place to refer people who want more information.
Prospective clients can visit your website to learn a bit about you before hiring you by email through your site.  Thankfully, though, starting a website is not expensive.  You can generally purchase a domain for less than $10, or you can start a blog for free and build that as your promotional online presence.
Virtual Assistant
A Virtual Assistant (VA) is someone who does administrative or secretarial work remotely.  VAs transcribe, translate, prepare mailings, and do other administrative duties.  Virtual Assistants are not confined to secretarial work, however.  Some VAs offer web design, marketing consultation, and even technical support to clients.  Since VAs use the internet and telephone, they can garner clients around the world.
Some suggest taking a VA course online.  Whether you take a course or not, success depends significantly on the hours you are willing to put in.  Some VAs become so successful that they begin their own VA business, employing a staff of VAs who can serve their clients.
Teaching others something you know is a low cost work at home idea.  Consulting can start with your own acquaintances and friends – spread the word that you have valuable knowledge and are going into business sharing this knowledge with others.
Some ideas for consultant businesses are in the fields of nutrition, natural lifestyles, green living and marketing.  But in reality, there are so many possibilities in the consulting world that you can get unique and creative with your consulting business.  Just make sure you are filling a real need before you venture out to sell your knowledge.
Someone needs to care for children while their parents are working – even working from home!  Once you check with your local regulations and laws in this regard, running and in home daycare (or something less official, such as watching one family’s children) can be a lucrative at home business.
Writing Web Content
The internet is the place to go for information.  This is why no one buys set of encyclopedias anymore!  That information has to get out somehow, and writers of web content are often in demand.  You can work for a publishing company that provides web content to its clients and write articles on various subjects.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

What You Need to Work from Home – A Checklist

What You Need to Work from Home – A Checklist

Getting started working from home may involve a lot of preparation or very little, depending on what you already have and how far you’ve already gone with your work at home plans.  The following is a basic checklist to help you get started.
Of course, you’ll need a computer.  But, you knew that, right?  Nonetheless, it’s not necessarily enough just to have any old computer.  For working from home, you will need a computer that can be your daily work horse – it needs to be up to date, have plenty of memory, and functional USB ports.  If you know others who work from home, ask them what computer they use, and why.  Also, ask them if they would choose a different computer if they had to do it over again.
Laptop or Desktop?
While you are considering what computer will best serve your purposes, you will probably need to decide between a laptop and a desktop.  Most sources recommend both – using your desktop for daily tasks (desktops usually have more memory) and your laptop for certain projects and for back-up.
The ideal situation is a desktop and router, and a laptop with a wireless card.  The wireless card plugs into your laptop’s USB port, picking up a signal from the router and allowing you to connect to the internet using your laptop.  Then, you can do the bulk of your work on the desktop and grab the laptop when you need to finish something up or work on a project somewhere else in the house. 
Broadband Internet Connection
It’s pretty much impossible to work from home effectively without a broadband or high-speed internet connection.  Dial-up takes far too long and will greatly inhibit your business capabilities.  So sign up with the internet service provider (ISP) of your choice and get set up for high speed internet.
Family and Childcare
Many people choose to work from home in order to be near their children.  However,  childcare is necessary during your work hours.  This can be a dilemma – making enough money to pay for childcare right off the bat is challenging.  Try relatives first – grandparents, aunts and so forth may be willing to watch your children for a few hours a week each, and for free.
Then you can check into mother’s helpers; these are childcare providers who come into your home and take care of your children while you are there.  Mother’s helpers are much less expensive than conventional babysitters, because you are on the premises and the helper is using your home.
Babysitters who will watch your child in their home are more expensive.  If your children are in school, you can arrange your work hours around their school hours.
While this goes on your checklist, it’s highly individualized.  Some people are happy with a workspace in the corner of their kitchen; others prefer an entire room dedicated to being the home office.  The important thing is to have some kind of area set aside for you to work in.  This helps you get in ‘work mode’ more quickly since you will associate your surroundings with working, and it also sends a signal to other family members that you are working when you are in that area.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.