(323) 863-3603 admin@ourmilkmoney.org

CAN-SPAM Laws for Affiliate Marketers

If you want to be an affiliate marketer you must always stay aware of the laws in your country, state, city or province.  The CAN-SPAM Act is a federal law in the United States that, according to the Bureau of Consumer Protection and the Federal Trade Commission applies to all commercial messages sent electronically. It’s a very serious law with very punitive penalties such as each separate email that is in violation can be subject to up to a $16,000 fine.
Make sure that you educate yourself since these rules and laws can and do change. You can read the Compliance Guide for Business by clicking the link here for yourself, but essentially, it’s important to understand that these laws are designed to protect consumers but they also protect you, the affiliate marketer. If you’re using ethical business practices it is likely you won’t accidentally spam anyone but it’s good to read the laws just in case. Remember not to assume that just because someone else does something that it’s legal.
Your email header should match your real domain name. There should be no trickery involved to fool the readers about who you are. If you’re being honest and above board you want people to know your name anyway because you’re proud of your business and what you stand for. Be who you are and you’ll be fine. Further, it is required that your business name and address is in each email sent.
One issue that can cause a controversy are email subject lines. Email subject lines should be relevant to what you are going to tell people in  the email. If you use tricks to get them opened you may be accused of spam under the law. So make sure your subject line is indicative of your email message and you won’t have problems. If you are advertising something inside the email, the email should be specific that this is an advertisement or affiliate link. You can’t hide them, or make your readers believe it’s not an affiliate link or advertisement.
Always, very clearly give your readers a way to opt out of receiving more emails from you, and also make sure they double opt in to start with. Double opting in means that your readers sign up to receive your e-newsletter or mailing list on a form, usually on your website or blog, and then they receive an email confirmation that they are required to click on to confirm that they really do want to join.
It’s a good practice to explain to your readers on the email opt in form exactly what to expect from joining your list. This way it cuts down on unsubscribers later since they know what they are getting into by joining your list. Of course, it’s also important to stick by what you say, which will also discourage unsubscribing from your list. By engaging with clients, readers, customers and potential customers in an honest and above board way you will only make your business stronger.

Affiliate Marketing – How to do it Right

Affiliate Marketing – How to do it Right

When embarking on affiliate marketing to bring more money into your business, or to create an entire business based on the affiliate marketing, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Right, is very subjective, by doing it right, I mean, making money in an ethical and legal way, in the most straight forward way possible.
Relevant Products — Product choice is the most important aspect of affiliate marketing. Make sure that your product choices are relevant to your niche. Product choice is as important in affiliate marketing as song choice is for contestants on American Idol.
Awesome Products — In addition to matching your niche and being relevant to your market, the product should be awesome. The product should under promise and over deliver to your readers. Don’t fill up your blog or website with tons of mediocre products in hopes your readers will click on something. Instead, choose really amazing products in order to educate your readers to trust your recommendations.
Marketing Mix — Don’t rely on only one method of marketing your great affiliate products. Instead, mix it up with reviews, blog posts, emails, article marketing and pay per click advertisements. Use every channel you have open to you in order to promote each new affiliate product. Your efforts will pay off long beyond the main campaign.
Honest Reviews — When giving reviews on a product, make sure that your review is honest and based on your real experience, or the experience of your review writer, if you hire someone to write reviews for you. You don’t want to be caught off guard by an angry reader who believed your review. If your review is based on reality, it will mean a lot to your readers and it will show through.
No Spam — Even well known affiliate marketers promotions boarder on spam sometimes. I’m sure you’ve received many emails in one day to the point it almost felt like harassment. Spam is thought to be when someone does not opt in to a list and receives unsolicited emails anyway. But it can be very spamish to send too many emails too whether people opted in or not. Also, there is much more to spam than opting in or out. Look up the CAN-SPAM act.
Remember your goals — Don’t get side tracked from your main goals, and your main products and services that you wish to promote from your website and blog. There are so many different products and solutions out there, that it can be difficult to avoid distraction by all the shiny objects out there. However, it’s imperative to keep your goals for your niche in mind and do not stray outside it in order to have a cohesive business that works.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Affiliate Marketing – Finding Products to Promote

Affiliate Marketing – Finding Products to Promote

There are many ways to make money from your blog or website, such as advertising, pay per click, your own product, and affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing involves promoting someone else’s product for a portion of the sale price. This percentage is often called “commission”. The most important  and sometimes most difficult part of affiliate marketing is finding products to promote to your niche. You want the product to be useful for your niche as well as profitable for you.
There are numerous ways to find products to promote. You can start with products you use if they apply to your niche. Simply ask the person you purchased the product from whether they have an affiliate program or not. If they do, they will likely send you the link to sign up. If they don’t, you might be able to work out a special program just for you in exchange for your marketing efforts.
Clickbank.com is an excellent place to find profitable products to promote. Clickbank.com offers a simple way to find products to promote via their search engine right on the site. It’s free to sign up as an affiliate for Clickbank.com and there are a lot of products to choose from. You’re sure to find something to promote that works with your niche. Don’t be afraid to buy the product yourself to try it out, or ask for a review copy.
eJunkie.com makes it simple to find products to sign up for their affiliate programs too. The system is a bit more confusing than clickbank.com but there are plusses to it too. With clickbank.com you have to meet some minimum requirements before you get a pay out, with eJunkie.com it depends on the product you’re promoting.
Amazon.com is a great place to find products from almost any niche. Like the other networks, it’s free to sign up for an affiliate account. Amazon.com makes it very simple to promote products through a variety of means from straight text code, to pictures, to creating an entire store based on your keywords.
If you know the names of products you think your niche might like, you can do a simple Google search for the name of the product and then check to see if they have an affiliate program. Some affiliate programs are also called referral programs or partner programs so be on the lookout for those terms as well. As mentioned earlier, when in doubt use the contact page to ask.
Another way to find products is to find your competition and see what they’re promoting. Likely, if they are promoting a product on a regular basis that means it’s profitable. You can click on the products and look for the affiliate program information in order to start promoting the product on your website or blog too.
In addition to the ideas for finding affiliate products to promote mentioned above there are the larger networks such as Commission Junction, LinkShare, Shareasale, and numerous others. Try doing a search on “Affiliate Networks” in Google and you’ll find more than you need.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

How Moms can Make Money Helping Other Moms

If it’s one thing moms can do it is stick together. Making life run smoothly with kids, home and career can be a tall order. Communicating with other moms helps to ease the stress. If you are looking for a business venture, why not make money helping moms just like yourself?
What will you offer to these moms? Well, your product is as close as your memory. Your expertise is the product you can market to moms everywhere. There are situations that you have encountered and overcome as a mom that other mothers are facing too. They could benefit from what you know to make their life a bit easier.
Packaging your Product – EBooks
Put your advice down on paper. You probably have a lot of good advice to offer but it won’t sound like much unless you can get it out of your brain and into a legible format. If you have a talent for writing this will be less of a challenge for you. Take a writing course to bone up on the finer points of writing outlines and organizing your thoughts on paper.
Your format for these organized thoughts is an eBook. Everyone has heard of them but might not know exactly what they are. An eBook is essentially a book in digital form. You can create and publish them yourself. For the work that you put into the project, you are greatly rewarded with pure profit.
The first consideration is the length of your eBook. A typical eBook can have as few as 70 pages or as many as 150. People will pay more for longer eBooks.
EBooks are popular media because they can be downloaded or printed in an instant. As soon as the payment is processed, the customer gains access to the eBook. No storage space other than what is on your computer or flash drive is needed to house the eBooks you buy.
Selling your EBooks
Consider your market – other moms. Let’s say that the subject of your eBook is getting a toddler through the terrible twos and threes. Fill your eBooks with information that moms want to know:
•    Tips for bedtime
•    Disciplinary tips
•    Going out in public
•    Dealing with mom stress
•    Testimonials
•    True life examples
All of these ideas can be used to flesh out your eBook. These same bullet points can be selling points for your eBook. When creating the eBook website page, use snippets from stories in the book, testimonials from others who have read the book and a partial list of chapters in the eBook as advertising on the page.
Condense chapters into enticing articles that you submit to article directories. Don’t give away too much because you want moms to buy your eBooks. Supply a link to your website in the resource box.
As a mom you can join online forums to share your helpful advice with other moms. Use a link to your eBook page in your signature line for easy access. As you develop a following on these forums, other members will visit your site and see your eBooks.
EBooks can be used to share information that you have learned as a mom with other moms. They are easy to create and with a marketing strategy, can bring large profit to your business.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.

Top Internet Business Ideas

Top Internet Business Ideas

The Internet offers many business opportunities. You can become a part of someone else’s enterprise or create a business of your own. There are many advantages to starting an Internet business. Here are the top Internet business ideas to help you find that appropriate niche you are looking for.
Every day people search the Internet for all sorts of opportunities. With this economy, the number one search is for ways to make money with low startup costs. Many of the basic equipment needed to begin Internet businesses are in your home right now. If you have a computer with a high-speed Internet connection, a telephone, a desk, and a printer, you can get going right away.
1.    Blogging. This is the way to create an online presence without the technical issues of owning your own website (that comes later). Most blogs are offered with free hosting and come with already installed features so set up is easy. Blog about anything that you find interesting and will be interesting to other readers. A blog with a niche will perform better a personal one. Blogs can also make money with programs like Google Adwords and AdSense. Pay per Click advertising also works for generating revenue.
2.    Internet research. Anyone who can navigate the Internet and find out almost anything, can market themselves as an Internet researcher. Large and small companies will pay you to find out information for them, create reports from the research.
3.    Selling products. If you have a hobby like making and selling crafts you can expand your business online with a website. Set up a website that caters to your product offerings. Market these products online to drive traffic to your website.
4.    Selling on eBay. With this idea, you set up shop on the Internet. You can sell products you created or items you own that you want to sell. Many now make a living selling on eBay. As your business grows, you can expand to involve other product markets.
5.    Freelancing. Many online and offline businesses are looking for help. Freelancers lower the overhead of the company thus becoming more profitable for many jobs than hiring someone to work in the office. Depending on your talent, hire yourself out at a freelance writer, graphic artist, website designer or programmer.
6.    Virtual assistant. Virtual assistants are the going trend for many businesses. In the beginning, virtual assistants performed the administrative duties of a company from their home. Now, VA’s can be found in all career specialties like medical, real estate, marketing and publishing. They perform tasks above administrative such as website administrator, report creation and Internet research.
7.    Membership sites. You see more of these around these days. With a membership site, you choose a niche, such as online marketing. Customers pay to join at a certain level (gold, silver, bronze) and are rewarded with certain perks for their membership that include newsletters, videos or articles on marketing and services to help expand their own business. You create the website and supply the materials yourself or through outsourcing each month to your members.
Do you have an idea of what your Internet business idea might be? This list should get you started.
Julianne Alvarez-Wish is a military wife, mother, business owner, professional writer, blogger and legislative advocate. She is the Director of Communications for Our Milk Money, the Colorado State Leader for the National Association for Moms in Business and the owner of Buy By Mom and Buy By Mom Blog. She is the Colorado Springs Stay-at-Home Mom Examiner for Examiner.com. She also blogs at A Wishful Thought. Her passion, purpose and goal is to help parents work from home so they can be home with their children.