We are building you something amazing. We know there is a bit of dust in here, but that won’t prevent us from getting you going right away. If you are looking for work, please fill out the form below. We might be looking to fill some positions that we have not yet listed. Phone (323) 863-3603 Email admin@ourmilkmoney.org Follow FollowFollowFollowFollow First and Last Name Email Address Are you here because you need help finding employment? Are you here because you need help finding employment? Yes No Please give us some details about your professional background. Or, if you would prefer, you may simply copy and paste your resume here. On average, how many jobs do you apply to monthly? On average, how many jobs do you apply to monthly? Less than a few 3-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 More than 40 If more than 40, how many each month? How long have you been looking for work? How long have you been looking for work? 6 months to a year 1-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Have you felt that the reason you are unable to find employment is due to any of the following? Please select all that apply. Have you felt that the reason you are unable to find employment is due to any of the following? Please select all that apply. Gaps in my resume My gender My age Not enough experience Too much experience Not enough education Too much education Being a parent or caregiver My online applications aren't getting seen I'm not sure what types of jobs I should be applying for I have no idea why I am not getting job offers Other What other reason(s) do you believe might be preventing you from getting job offers? What is your highest level of education? What is your highest level of education? I did not finish high school High school or GED Some college, but no degree Associate's Degree Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate or Phd What services do you feel will be helpful to you? Select all that apply. What services do you feel will be helpful to you? Select all that apply. Resume help Finding employers who will appreciate my skillset Finding employers who won't discriminate against me Improving interview skills Someone to advocate for me Back to work programs or "Returnships" Training and education Other Other resources not listed here: Is there anything else you would like us to know? Why are you contacting us today? 15 + 12 = Let's Go!