The Only Way Out of It – Is Through It
Even with all the benefits to you and your family, making the choice to come home after working a job will be HUGE. It’s not unusual for our identities to be wrapped up in what we do. When that changes, it can take a minute to recover. Be patient with yourself through these changes. Acknowledge your loss and have compassion for yourself.
Change and loss come in many forms. For instance, we all know what it feels like to lose friends. Relationships have ended for each of us. A job or career is a form of relationship. The pain we feel from these losses corresponds directly with the depth of our investment of emotion. The greater our love, the deeper our pain. Remember the quote, “It’s a far better thing to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” It’s true. Really. Even when it comes to your job or career.
When it comes to moving through changes, there’s no way around it. The only way out of it is through it, and going through it is what change is all about. We heal the past and discover the future. We learn compassion. We experience forgiveness; of those we believe have transgressed, of life for bringing change in the first place and most of all, of ourselves. And self forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to a deeper experience of life. Are you ready to step over the threshold?
Are you contemplating a change of lifestyle? Would you like support? Please email me privately at and I’ll sign you up for Two Months FREE Membership to my monthly Mama Come Home! teleclasses.
Judith Cassis,C.Ht. is a Personal Development Consultant with 26 years experience. Known as “The Bounce-Back Coach”, she works with people who are “bouncing back” from failure, loss or tragedy. Judith is co-owner of a small newspaper,Tidbits of Santa Clarita Valley, a family business she and her husband, Lee Cadena run with their sons. Through a monthly teleseries, Mama Come Home, Judith supports mothers in staying home or returning home to raise their children.
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