Family, Uncategorized
I am back from my wonderful, much needed family vacation!! It’s been years since we did something like this.
I started organizing and packing up the family at least 4 weeks before our excursion to the other side of the country, the entire time wondering if the trek with 2 young and energetic boys, the rising level of our expenses and my loss in sanity would be worth sitting on a beach for a week.
It was.
It was, it was, it was.
I am eternally grateful for all the relatives who were drooling to spend time with my children- and did, leaving me with REAL legitimate relaxation…not the kind that is interrupted every 5 minutes with a child’s need for attention. I took complete advantage.
Some listen to music while on the sandy beach, others like to read. I choose to sand sculpt.
To me, there is nothing like sitting in the silk soft sand for hours and hours, getting filthy dirty the way I used to when I was a child, letting my mind wander freely and creating something from my deepest imagination. Sand sculpting is cathartic, therapeutic and cleansing. My only stress was wondering when the tide might come to wash it all away, and even that became less of a stress after a few days, and more of a way for me to feel part of the universe.
It was a terrific lesson of the natural process of all the we are and all that we are a part of. The tide, although different each and every day is something we can come to count on, toying with us, supporting us, watching what we build for hours before it slowly comes in little by little to wear our creations down…eventually until there isn’t even a sign of our work.
Yet, we don’t cry over it- we build a new creation the next day. I am glad to be back, and especially grateful that I was able to take with me a new sense of purpose and bliss. My sandcastles may be gone forever, but the construction of my spirit has given me a strong foundation for living a long and happy life.
Art is good for the soul.
Family, Uncategorized
It doesn’t matter how many times we are warned. We don’t get it until we are actually experiencing it. And maybe that is the point after all. Maybe we were meant to experience our own journeys. Why allow others to warn us when life is supposed to be lived by each of us, personally?
I think about this often when I am going through the trials and tribulations of… well just about every aspect of my life. 4 1/2 years ago I was not yet a mother, or a business owner…and when I look back at that time- it almost makes me laugh at how “empty” my life was. I was a baby myself.
I never thought motherhood would be like THIS. I never thought I could become selfless, where it would actually be difficult to do things for myself without putting my children first. I never thought I would forget to eat. I never would have trusted myself as a business owner. I never would have had the gumption to “prepare for attack” to a complete stranger who had insulted my son- like a lioness ready to pounce. I never thought I’d be utterly insulted that my child wasn’t chosen to be a Jedi at the Disney Star Wars Training Camp. Couldn’t they see that he was clearly the most adorable kid in the group?
I never thought I would forget what it feels like to be bored, and actually long for it on some days. I never thought I would feel this kind of love for a child- when honestly other people’s kids never did it for me. I never thought I’d be okay with sacrificing so much of our lifestyle- just so I could afford to stay home every day. I never thought I’d yearn for adult interaction this much- and then when I finally have a night out without the kids, I never thought I’d miss them as much as I did. I never thought I could love a second child as much as the first, and was surprised to learn that it made me love them BOTH even more.
I never knew my kids were going to turn out so terrific, so beautiful and smart and talented, and hilarious. I never knew I’d be so happy with 2 boys, and be okay with not having a darling little girl to dress up with little dresses and bows. I never thought I’d be able to work this hard for no pay.
I guess I am glad I didn’t listen to the warnings. It’s so much better experiencing it all for myself.
Direct Sales, Member Contributions

by Mona Colwell
These past few months we have worked to discover whether a direct sales business is your answer to working from home. If you have followed along this far, you probably ordered your starter set and maybe even had your first few sales. Congratulations!
You are now free from all the “what if’s” that could have held you back from giving an at-home business a try. Go ahead and dream about your future earnings potential, the prizes you will earn and the all expense paid trips that you will take as a top performer! Best yet, you ALREADY have everything that you need to be amazingly successful with your business!
You may be thinking, “What? How could that be?” The truth is that there is only one thing that sets successful consultants apart from those who are not successful. One simple word separates the ones who persist, stick it out through obstacles and keep their focus on the goal.
Two people may be from totally different backgrounds, live in entirely different locations, have different home situations and be equally successful with their businesses. Our environment only matters if we let it hold us back. For example, one parent may say that she can’t be successful because her kids are too small while another might say she is successful because her kids are small!
What makes the difference for the achievers? The ones who BELIEVE this business will work and BELIEVE that they can be successful will rise to the top! Our results in our business are the outward or physical results that come from the thoughts in our head – good or bad. If you think you can, you can!
Don’t you just love children’s books? They are filled with hope and words of encouragement. We honestly believe that our children can have anything that their heart desires. So how about us?
The best thing we can do for our business is to invest in ourselves and our positive thinking. This may sound easy enough but it takes hard work, persistence and commitment! It takes effort to be in a positive, believing state of mind every minute of every day.
However, the success of your business depends on it. If you know that your business depends on it and this area could literally make or break your business, would you find a way to make it a priority? I hope so… It starts with investing in listening, reading or watching something positive every day.
Start there and check back next time for 10 fabulous tips on creating powerful beliefs!
Mona Colwell is a work at home mom with 15 years direct sales experience. In addition to raising her three children, Mona has created a company for her almost famous husband, Emerson, and his children’s books, blogs for The Professional Women’s Network and recently transitioned to a brand new direct sales organization, Ava Anderson Non-Toxic.
Resource Articles
If you are like most working parents, you’d prefer that your child not see a nanny, or the inside of a daycare, more than they see you. Well, here is some good news: becoming a self-employed parent is a possibility for everyone. Yes, even you. You are not alone in wanting more for children and parents everywhere are uniting together in support of a new movement that will increase your odds of work-at-home success. The Parent Entrepreneur community has grown exponentially over the last 5 years and it even comes with its own set of rules that will allow you to put family before your work. With meticulous planning, lowered expectations and a positive outlook you too can transition to becoming a work-at-home parent.
Many corporations are already on board with this new movement and are accepting more proposals to telecommute than ever before. For a basic telecommute proposal template to get you started visit: .
You must be willing to make sacrifices. Quitting your job will most likely result in making major budget cuts and the need to make up for that lost income. Offer your skills in exchange for payment or barter, and be prepared to work a lot more for a lot less. Never take your eye off the prize: precious time with your children is priceless.
Self-employed Parent Enthusiast Ally Loprete is the Founder of, a nationwide online business directory of self-employed parents, and the host of This Little Parent Stayed Home, a live weekly radio show which is part of the Her Insight Group on Ally is on a mission to help others deal with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of leaving a full time job to start a new business, while running a full time household and raising kids. She is resolute about creating a haven in which parents across the nation will continue to thrive and obtain the support they need in their personal journeys.
Resource Articles

So, you’ve decided to become a full time stay-at-home parent. Re-evaluating your budget is one of the hardest first steps to letting go of that second income because it means you are going to have to let some things go. First, realize that just because you have to cut down on some indulgences does not mean you are living in poverty. You will survive. Start by taking a look at your credit card statements, your cell phone bills and your other spending habits. This will give you some clues where to cut first. Lower your cell phone plan minutes, brew your own coffee, use the library to borrow books and videos. Consider how often you use your gym membership and if your physical activity can be replaced by taking the kids for a walk or joining a weekly stroller strides group. Start a ‘swap’ group in your community and rotate things like videos, toys and books. Instead of meeting friends out for drinks, which now includes the price of a babysitter, invite them over for game night. Let go of your season tickets and watch the games on TV for free, or check your local listings for community events such as free concerts in the park. Most likely, you will begin to enjoy the creative activities that you are able to come up with as a family. On the rare occasion that you are able to hire a sitter and get out with your grown-up friends, it will mean more to you than it ever did before.
Self-employed Parent Enthusiast Ally Loprete is the Founder of, a nationwide online business directory of self-employed parents, and the host of This Little Parent Stayed Home, a live weekly radio show which is a part of the Her Insight Group on Ally is on a mission to help others deal with the sometimes overwhelming prospect of leaving a full time job to start a new business, while running a full time household and raising kids. She is resolute about creating a haven in which parents across the nation will continue to thrive and obtain the support they need in their personal journeys.
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