(323) 863-3603 admin@ourmilkmoney.org
Things We Learn When We Are Sick

Things We Learn When We Are Sick

I am a HUGE baby when I am sick. No, seriously. Much bigger than you are. It’s not just that I need to be pampered and can’t take any responsibility for anything, it’s that I seriously want to take care of things, and CAN’T.
I become so cranky about it that I tend to waste more time complaining about it than I do trying to get better.
I just had a very “sick” month. I suppose it had to do with the fact that my 2 year old just started pre-school. We’d been warned by friends with kids a bit older than ours that we needed to up the Airborne in our house, clear away any important events and get ready to host some hostile germs. It’s not that we didn’t believe them. We heard them. We just didn’t imagine it would be quite like THIS.
Since the first day of school, just over a month ago, my husband and I have caught ear infections, strep throat, pink eye, bronchitis, and just this past weekend, a horrible dose of stomach flu.
Just as one illness subsided, it seemed the next one was on the way in. I knew I was in trouble when last week my doctor prescribed the miracle antibiotic “Z pak” for me and I had to remind him that this was the 2nd time in 3 weeks that I was taking it. His eyes widened, and then frowned as he added another antibiotic to the prescription.

So what have I learned after all this? A great deal, actually.

I’ve been working hard since the beginning of the year. OMM has been a true passion of mine ever since I became a “self-employed” parent, and as we can all relate to, it’s easy to put a large amount of pressure on ourselves to follow through with daily tasks when you’ve committed yourself to a project…or ten.
Well, as my husband and my business partner will tell you, I will sometimes take things to the extreme. Recently I began pulling all nighters catching up with emails and paying extra attention to detail on each and every client service situation, researching online, reading about business plans, connecting with co-marketers, learning and applying and working at top speed as if I have a race to win. I’d promised my husband each night I’d come to bed before midnight, and often he’d find me the next morning sitting in that very same spot 7 hours later.
I’d become, dare I say it? a work-a-holic.
This month of being sick didn’t stop me, either. At least not right away. Even though I was vomiting, and possessed chills and a 103° fever, I was practically crawling toward my laptop with an ever staggering, “must…check…emails…” before my husband whined back, “are you SERIOUS??”
It was in the moment that I realized it wasn’t preschool that had made me sick. Life was trying to grab hold of me. It literally grabbed me by both shoulders, looked me squarely in the eyes and told me to STOP. Life made me sick, and sick was a GOOD thing…Sick wasn’t trying to punish me. Sick was helping me by slowing me down since I refused to do it myself. When I recognized this, I became so grateful for it.
I’d made a decision to work from home so that I could watch my son grow up. Was I watching him grow, or neglecting him to answer an email? I started my own business so that no one could tell me ever again that their needs were more important than my family’s, but was I putting my family’s needs first? I was in charge of my own schedule, so why wasn’t I slowing my schedule down?
Sick taught me so many things this month, but the biggest thing it taught me was how precious our lives are, and how nothing is more important than taking a moment to laugh with the people you love.
I am my own boss, now…something I am learning to adapt to after years of working for other people. It’s an adjustment, but I love it.
No one can fire me. I often repeat that to myself several times on a daily basis, and I still can’t fully grasp it.
Yes, I have responsibilities. Yes, I have clients that are relying on me and expecting me to deliver. Yes, I have a responsibility to the company I’ve created and to my business partner who works just as hard as I do. No, I don’t get paid for sick days and vacation time, but I also can take as much time as I need to heal, or relax.
My partner and I both have families.
It’s the love that we have for our families and families across the country that has inspired us to create OMM. It’s the passion for our families that keeps our integrity alive in everything that we do, and keeps us at home with our children where we belong. It’s the reason we chose to employ ourselves and why we want to encourage others to do the same for themselves and for families of their own.
When I came to that realization, my fever broke. I felt truly healed.
I closed my laptop, picked up my son who had been trying to get my attention by throwing toys at me, and instead of reprimanding him the way I usually do, I took him to the park where we played the day away. It felt good.

Making a change isn’t easy, but the pay off will be spectacular for all of us!

Making a change isn’t easy, but the pay off will be spectacular for all of us!

As I watch the applications for new members roll in, I am pleased at what it will all mean for us at Our Milk Money. The bigger our directory, the more often consumers will find our site to be a valuable search engine for the products and services that they are seeking.

But lately, I find myself awake at night with a single concern: While we have so many wonderfully creative parents listed on our site, I am worried that we don’t have enough of the ordinary products and services that consumers will be searching for. I am constantly thinking in terms of how to bring consumers to the site. Once they are here, all of our creative mom businesses will be seen, but what if people don’t know to search for us? Then it dawned on me the simple answer. First of all, I’ve always made the statement that we need to set an example. We need to contribute to our own economy and make a commitment to purchase from each other. Then we need to trust that others will follow. Second, I realized that we already have just about everything we need in our database. There are so many members who are private consultants for a variety of different companies. Third, it’s the fathers that bring us the practical services that consumers are looking for. Therefore, we need to offer just as much support to our self-employed fathers.

If I am really going to practice what I preach, I need to make some changes myself. I’d like to list my OMM resolutions upon the launch of our site, and I hope you’ll join me in making some changes.

1. Instead of buying my favorite Estee Lauder makeup, I resolve to find similar (or perhaps better) products sold by a Mary Kay, Self Indulgence, Suzanne by Suzanne Sommers or Arbonne rep listed on Ourmilkmoney.com.
2. Instead of buying cleaning products at the grocery store, I will look into Shaklee and the enaturalshop for a less toxic cleaning line.
3. Instead of racking my brain for the next meal I plan for my family, I’ll be prepared with products from homemade gourmet, Pampered Chef and Taste of Home Entertaining
4. The next time I go to a baby shower, I will browse creative ideas from Campbell Cate, Posh Pampoose, and Sobebabies.

There are many more. I hope you’ll respond to this blog with other ideas that will keep our resolutions going. I know I am missing many more everyday purchases that are listed right here in our directory.

My hope is that when people find out our mission, that we are looking to offer every possible product and service, they will want to become a member as well. The following is what I would like to see more of, so if you have any connections to parents who provide the following, please send them our way. You can tell them that we have been asking for them personally!

Computer technicians
Grant writers
Dog Groomers
Car Washers
Massage Therapists
Baby Sitters
House Sitters
Mortgage Brokers
Real Estate Brokers
Credit Card Consolidators
Car Dealers
Home Designers
Pet Sitters
People with big houses and yards who are willing to rent out homes for birthday parties
Local Farmers selling fruits and vegetables
Soap, Shampoo, conditioner
Hair products such as gels and balms
Household items such as toilet paper, light bulbs and paper towels
Food for toddlers
Toys for kids, consignment, lightly used clothing
CDs and DVDs
cell phones/ phone service
internet service

Let’s focus on buying only from each other!!! What do you spend your money on? Can you be sure that a parent isn’t selling it to help support their family? It may be hard in the beginning. We are all used to our ways. We know the products we like and we are used to going to the appropriate store to buy them. Making a change is hard. But wouldn’t you want to know that others decided to make a change to support you and the products you sell? So, imagine yourself buying the same things you normally would buy, but supporting other parents, just like you, who are in love with their kids and care more about giving them a good life than anything. It’s something that we should all be able to relate to. Let’s make those changes right now. Some self-employed parent has the service or product you need. Let’s find them, and know that others will be finding you.

By Ally