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Who Am I and Where Do I Fit In?

Who Am I and Where Do I Fit In?

What? You don’t remember ever asking yourself this question? Trust me, if you’re over the age of five, you have – and the opportunity will present itself again, many times over.

On the first day of preschool or Kindergarten, you scanned your surroundings; the room full of children, the teacher and more friggin’ toys than you had ever seen in one place. You wondered, Who am I and where do I fit in? In time you learned, you acclimated and found the part of you that connected with the experience.

Fast forward eight to ten years: adolescence. Changes abound – physical changes, mood shifts and of course, the opposite sex (hmm…why didn’t I notice this before, you asked yourself?) This time, you don’t quite acclimate, but you move through it and on to more change.

One day you wake up and discover you’re no longer a child. You’re a man, a woman. You marry or choose to remain single, you work, have children – or not, and your world opens to a whole new set of changes. Life is just that – beginnings and endings, births and deaths, starts and stops – change. It’s not change itself that’s most significant. How we respond to that change defines our quality of life.

If you’re a working parent trying to find your way back home, or if you’re a stay-at-home parent who needs an income, expect change that will rock your world. It may not be easy, but your commitment will see you through. Just take it a step at a time. It’ll all be worth it.

Are you contemplating a change of lifestyle? Would you like support? Please email me privately at successmadesimple.jc@gmail.com and I’ll sign you up for Two Months FREE Membership to my monthly Mama Come Home! teleclasses.

Judith Cassis,C.Ht. is a Personal Development Consultant with 26 years experience. Known as “The Bounce-Back Coach”, she works with people who are “bouncing back” from failure, loss or tragedy. Judith is co-owner of a small newspaper,Tidbits of Santa Clarita Valley, www.tidbitsscv.com a family business she and her husband, Lee Cadena run with their sons. Through a monthly teleseries, Mama Come Home, Judith supports mothers in staying home or returning home to raise their children.

Who Am I and Where Do I Fit In?

Is A Direct Sales Business Your Answer to Working from Home?

One of the benefits of a ‘business in a box’ is that part of your success will be based on your ability to duplicate certain skills that are common across many sales organizations. These include Network Marketing Skills, Communication Skills, Business Systems and Life Skills.

NETWORK MARKETING SKILLS: These are some ‘founding’ principles that are important to follow because they are already proven to work well within a direct sales organization. Successful business owners develop prospect lists, use scripts (for generating interest in their business, scheduling appointments, closing sales and following up with customers) and follow a specific presentation format for both the products and business opportunity.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The best communicators are the best listeners. They are able to uncover prospect’s needs and provide solutions. It’s important to ask questions and hear the answers before offering products that can potentially help your audience. Honing these skills will grow your business with lasting clients.

SUCCESS SYSTEMS: These are systems that are put in place to help run your business smoothly such as a website where your customers can order products, reports for tracking your personal team production, customer sales reports or inventory management. Today, many corporations offer these systems as part of their ‘back office’, freeing your time up so that you can be in the most important place which is in front of people presenting the products and the opportunity.

LIFE SKILLS: Successful entrepreneurs often demonstrate high ‘life’ skills which encompass:

  • People skills – how you relate to others, attract customers and provide exceptional service
  • Time management skills – creating and working by a schedule and focusing on income producing activities
  • Emotional management – keeping your feelings in check and looking at every experience as an opportunity for growth

Many direct sales organizations will provide educational websites, CDs, podcasts and events to help you gain and improve these skills. A direct sales business is just like every other business, and not necessarily a ‘get rich scheme’. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to have easy entry into the marketplace where you can take advantage of an already established business model. By taking the time to learn these proven skills and then putting them into practice in the field, your results will be a fast growing, lucrative home based business.

Mona Colwell is a work at home mom with 15 years direct sales experience. In addition to raising her three children, Mona has created a company for her almost famous husband, Emerson, and his children’s books, blogs for The Professional Women’s Network and recently transitioned to a brand new direct sales organization, Ava Anderson Non-Toxic.