(323) 863-3603 admin@ourmilkmoney.org
How to Make the Most of Your Business Listing on Our Milk Money

How to Make the Most of Your Business Listing on Our Milk Money

If you are a parent who has a product or a service to offer as a way to earn extra revenue, there is simply no excuse for not being listed in the Our Milk Money business directory.

Our Milk Money is still the largest parent-owned business directory in the world, and it was created by a mom just like you.  Besides being a free service (thank you for donating!) it has been a proven way to network with other parent entrepreneurs for over a decade. (Move over, Linkedin!)

Therefore, the benefits of listing a business or two, or three, is available to anyone who fit the criteria of “self-employed” parent with an approved online application form.

People ask me all the time, it seems in disbelief, “What’s the catch?”  The answer is simple.  I realized that the fee itself to join our effective mission and all of its potential was far less valuable than the involvement and enthusiasm of the members themselves.

It quickly became apparent that when you erase the complications of money and fees, parents and business enthusiasts congregate with sincerity and passion rather than skepticism.  The moment we made our decision to provide benefits free of charge, the directory grew more than 1600% within 5 weeks!  The excitement spread like a contagious wildfire.  How can you make the most of your membership of Our Milk Money?  Start by joining.

Create a profile. Tell others where to find you. Connect with other parents and shop their businesses. Remind them to return the favor (wink, wink). Oh, and you can always be a business blog contributor, or request a spotlight on your business… or just YOU.

Trendsetting!  Parents Lead the Way!

Trendsetting! Parents Lead the Way!

It’s fascinating, the phenomenon of trends.

Who sets them, and how do they come about?  Are they really just a result of our current social progression?

We can chew over what came first, the product or the current.  Or we can create our own trend based on what our current society is in need of…or um, ahem…what we are in need of!  Imagine the power we have to create a global movement simply by working together and using our commonality as parents to drive our ambitions.

You already know that I am on a mission to bring 1 million parents home…but I am also on a mission to support the ones who are already at home.  In the past, I’ve given specific steps that will help you see yourself and value that you were intended to bring your community.  But lets go a step further by implementing a simple method that could begin a sweeping new trend immediately.

Stay-at-home parents make up the largest group of consumers in America today – so by catering to their needs, you have a greater chance of success.  Our most valuable asset in our modern society as parent entrepreneurs is each other.  Why?  Because we sell to one another.  We are not only networking to grow our businesses, we are each other’s target demographic!