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The concept is simple: List your business and support others just like you.
We are an inclusive community honoring the evolution of a timeless movement. The value of your consumer dollar goes a long way when it’s being used to support a family.
You know it. We know it.
You can make a Difference!
Together, we are unstoppable.
Motivated by the love we have for our children, when we lift each other higher, we all do better.
Because we don’t get paid to parent.
Parent Owned & Operated
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Albany, OR Albuquerque, NM Anchorage, AK Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Australia Baltimore, MD Baton Rouge, LA Billings, MT Binghamton, NY Birmingham, AL Boise, ID Boston, MA Buffalo, NY Burlington, VT Canada Charlotte, NC Chattanooga, TN   Chicago, IL, Cincinnati, OH Cleveland, OH Coeur d’Alene, ID Colorado Springs, CO Columbia, SC Columbus, MS Dallas, TX Dayton, OH Denver, CO Des Moines, IA Detroit, MI El Paso, TX Fairfield County, CT Fort Myers, FL Fort Walton Beach, FL France Fresno, CA Greensboro, NC Gulfport, MS Harrisburg, PA Hartford, CT Honolulu, HI Houston, TX Indianapolis, IN Israel Jackson, MS Jacksonville, FL Kansas City, MO Lakeland, FL Las Vegas, NV Little Rock, AR Los Angeles, CA  Louisville, KY Lubbock, TX Madison, WI MALTA Manchester, NH Memphis, TN Mexico Miami, FL Mid-Coast Maine, ME Middletown, DE Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis, MN Missouri Montana Napa, CA Nashville, TN Netherlands New Castle, DE New Jersey New Orleans, LA New York Newark, NJ North America North Carolina North Dakota Oakland, CA Oklahoma City, OK Olympia, WA Omaha,NE Orange County, CA Orlando, FL Outer Banks, NC Palm Desert, CA Pensacola, FL Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ  Pittsburgh, PA Port St. Lucie, FL Portland, OR Providence Raleigh/Durham Richmond, VA Riverside County, CA Rochester Sacramento Salem, Oregon Salt Lake City  San Antonio San Benito San Bernardino County San Diego San Francisco Santa Barbara Seattle Seattle, WA Spokane, WA Springfield, MA Springfield, MO St. Louis Sulphur, LA Tallahassee Tampa Trenton Tri-Cities, NY Tucson Tulsa, OK United Kingdom Virginia Beach Wallowa County, Oregon Washington DC Wichita, KS
What does "Milk Money" pay for?
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Resources and Support
Yep, if you find yourself forgetting how to speak adult, this is where you’ll want to hang. It’s for grown-ups who want to talk about all the things.
Family. Small Business. Grown-up stuff. Adult venting.
Nothing is off-limits.
The Daddy's Den
Where fathers go to be funny.
Hey Dads! This pocket of milk money is for you! As more women become self- employed entrepreneurs, fathers are becoming much more active in the raising of their children. If you’ve been desperately looking for a father forum or a papa peer group, look no further! Step into the Daddy’s Den and join us in our journey through fatherhood. Who knows? You may relate to some of the stories…or all of them. Whether you are a new father adjusting to the new lifestyle, a revolutionary stay at home dad, or you just need some good guy time, this is the place to escape to.
Biz Tools & Tips
Home Business Hacks.
Parents are already resourceful, (and parent business owners are a true force to be reckoned with!) so it only makes sense that we all come together to share our hacks and secrets to juggling it all. Whether you are looking for some valuable tools that help you build a small business (nothing SMALL about it!), making a change in your career that better aligns with caring for your family, or you just feel like browsing around and laughing at some relatable mom and dad anecdotes, these articles were created for parents – by parents- just like you.
Member Spotlights
All about you and your biz.
Looking to grow your reach? Getting featured on our spotlight blog is a great way to increase your audience. We offer all the benefits to easily get you optimized for growth, including social tools that make it easy to share and connect. Or maybe you are just looking for some inspiration before you decide to launch something radical and new. Read through these featured articles that highlight some of our most successful parent business owners to get inspired. Before you know it, you’ll be in the land of “I can’t believe I am actually doing this.”
The Family Project
A support system for parents.
There are no right ways to be a parent, but some days it may feel like you are just getting everything WRONG. These articles are not to enhance those feelings of inadequacy– quite the opposite, actually. We want you to feel less alone and more supported in a world that does very little to achnowledge the thankless jobs parents do every day. Come to space of acceptance, filled with tools to give you confidence as a parent. Here you’ll find tips for even the most challenging situations with kids of all types. Because none of them come with operation manuals.Â